Akame ga kill recap, Akame ga kill
Он является главным антагонистом серии и главной целью «Ночного Рейда». Bulat Supporting. Esdeath Supporting.
Озвучка AniLane 1 эп. Плеер kodik 1 эп. Сегодня выйдут. Магия и мускулы: Экзамен на звание Вестника Бога. Неправильный способ использования исцеляющей магии. Дядя Валера 17 минут назад. Дядя Валера 49 минут назад.
Дядя Валера 57 минут назад. И это все? Самое интересное только в том, что он таки выпил бутылек, и все. Александра Вишневская 1 час назад.
Kufa 1 час назад. Если я устану ждать то я в их озвучке посмотрю, а так я буду ждать пока студийка озвучит и потом всё гляну заново.
Tatsumi Main. Mine Main. Akame Main.
Syura Supporting. Nyau Supporting.
Liver Supporting. Honest Supporting.
Stylish Supporting. Daidara Supporting. Bols Supporting. Ubiquitous, Seryuu Supporting. Susanoo Supporting.
Wave Supporting. Chelsea Supporting. Aria Supporting. Sayo Supporting. Ieyasu Supporting. Each of the members carry something called an Imperial Arms which are weapons forged from alchemy and a Danger beast.
These weapons are much stronger than any normal weapon, but difficult to use. Tatsumi is promised he will receive one if he joins once they find an arm that will "accept him". Despite the show featuring an intense number of characters it manages to fall into several anime stereotypes. You have the tsundere, Mine, my personal favorite being a rather typical tsundere. You have the title character, Akame, being rather Kuudere.
Sheele the big breasted moe girl, Leone the genki flirtatious one, and Lubbock the pervert.
Despite this though these characters still held their own to me and I found myself torn apart when some died, excited to see others succeed, and overall not really hating any character Except one.